Ward Structure
Because we don't have a paid clergy, each member provides service to help and support one another. This creates a unity unique among Christian denominations.

Many Hands
Members of the ward are called to serve in positions of leadership for a period of time. This includes everything from presiding over meetings to cleaning the buildings.
Over the years members get an opportunity to serve in multiple callings and with many different people. Learning lessons from each to increase our capacities and strengthen our unity.

A Bishop presides over all aspects of the ward with a primary emphasis on supporting the youth. He is called for roughly 5 years and manages to fill the role along with full-time work and family responsibilities.
The Bishop calls, from the ward, 2 counselors, a secretary and clerk to provide support, council and help with administrative tasks.

Relief Society
The Relief Society is the world's largest women's organization with a branch in each ward. Each ward's Relief Society is presided over by a President with her 2 Counselors and a Secretary.
The Relief Society does what the name implies: finds those who need help and provides relief as needed. This includes everything from stocking a food pantry to creating and shipping hygiene kits to war torn or third world countries.

Elder's Quorum
The ward's men are presided over by an Elder's Quorum President, 2 Counselors and a Secretary. The Elder's Quorum provide service to one another that can include everything from cleaning up the beach to helping paint a house to helping a brother start a new business.

Young Women's
A Young Women's presidency is called with responsibility over young women aged 11-18. This includes building the young women into leaders through shadow leadership.
Each group of young women (IE. 11-13, 14-15, 16-18) has a class presidency made up of the girls with the responsibility to plan lessons and activities and put them on.

Young Men's
The Young Men's presidency is made up of the Bishopric members with responsibility over young men aged 11-18. This includes building the young men into leaders through shadow leadership.
Each group of young men (IE. 11-13, 14-15, 16-18) has a quorum presidency made up of the boys with the responsibility to plan lessons and activities and put them on.

A Primary Presidency is called with responsibility over children aged 2-11. This includes a President, 2 Counselors and a Secretary. The Primary Presidency is responsible for overseeing the class teachers and music leaders responsible for teaching the children.