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Elder Larson - 10/2022

Writer: Nancy Corraine WaldronNancy Corraine Waldron

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

Hhhhhhheeeeellllllooooooooo everyone hows it going its been minute. So it's been three weeks since the start of the transfer. This transfer I got sent to Stanley ND which is really awesome.  It is almost the same size of my last area but has a really nice ward. These weeks have been awesome there is more work in the area and people have been nice we have a nice teaching pool. We have been trying to see who is willing to hear a message or not but we have two friends on date. One is Scott who is this big funny dude who works in the oil field and is awesome.  All we have to worry about is him coming to church but hopefully he will show up to church this Sunday. And the other dude is Adian who is this awesome kid that is 17 and who is awesome form California buy he is awesome he loved everything that we said and accepted our invitation of baptism the second time meeting him he is super awesome if I didn’t say that before ha ha. We can just talk to him for hours and love to see him progress towards baptism. 

But yeah oh I almost forgot to talk about my new Comp his name is elder Kurmperman he is from Seattle Washington. The cool thing is he knew my uncle Sam which is sick. And we are pretty close in height.  I think he is a little bit taller than me which is weird but ok. But we have been getting along really well which is awesome and excited for the rest of the weeks ahead.

Well sorry I only sent one email on the mission 😅 . But yeah I pretty much suck at writing stuff and all that because I like telling them in person but i will try to do my best. But it is weird to think that I have been out for around a YEAR I think I am at 14 months which is super weird but I guess it is what it is.  

But I guess I can leave with this 

As we have been meeting with members and sharing our favorite scriptures which it changes a lot,  the one I have been using is Ether 12:27 which says 

27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

Which is an awesome scripture it show us the reason we sin and have weakness because if we were all perfect people we would not be human. it says we all have weaknesses and that we have been given those weaknesses to help better ourselves in this life if we are willing to show our weakness to our Heavenly Father so He can help us to become better. I know we all have challenges that are hard. I know I have a lot but we all do hahah but we can get through these challenges and be better people for ourselves, others and our heavenly father.

I would like to leave this with you in the name Jesus christ amen 

Sorry it's a lot hopefully it makes up for the year and don't worry I am alive hahahah take it easy everyone love ya 

Elder larson 

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