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Sister Saylor - Week 6

Huntington Beach

• I got to meet Brother & Sister Blakeney this week! Brother Blakeney is 84 years old and has a million stories about how God has intervened in the face of death. He told me that he thinks of sunshine & lemonade when he sees me and that was enough for him to have my heart forever! Speaking with him was like having a conversation with my Opa, the whole time I couldn't stop thinking, "this will be David Baumgartel in 10 years."

• The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has a resource for EVERYTHING. Want to be a better husband? There's a pamphlet. Want to start a business? There's a self reliance workbook. Want to prepare for eternity with your family? There's a 12 month teaching manual from 1994.

Last night we had the opportunity to watch a worldwide broadcast from the Lord's lead Apostle and prophet, President Russell M. Nelson The broadcast was specifically catering to the needs of young, single adults. His 30 minute address was jam-packed with goodness and amen-worthy statements!! But my favorite line of this devotional was:

"'-isms' [racism, sexism, ageism, nationalism, etc] are suffocating. Identifiers are powerful."

I am a child of God. I am a child of the covenant. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I invite you to ask yourself this week, "who am I?" and see if you can solely answer using identifiers with eternal value.

Here's the link, if you'd like to hear the talk in its entirety!

Sister Saylor xx


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