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Sister Saylor - 6/12/2023

Huntington Beach Stake


Super soon the Kentucky Louisville Mission will be mentored by new mission leaders! President & Sister Alder conclude their three years of full-time service just ten days from today! Knowing them has solidified my testimony that God loves each of us so much that He places specific individuals in our lives to enhance our life experience. Their righteous example will impact the way I follow Jesus for the rest of my life.

I LOVE SERVING EVERYONE I MEET IN EVANSVILLE! The likelihood of me concluding my mission here is 50/50. Crazy! Transfer calls are this week! Pray for Sister Strong and I - we have loved every second we have gotten together to teach people about Jesus and His love! She's a treasure!

On Tuesday, Sister Strong, Elder Thomas, Elder Ashton, and I were able to train all of the missionaries in our zone about teaching our friends for understanding. We were able to use the doctrine of resurrection in our demonstration. Oh man, my heart is so full. Listening to the missionaries practice teaching this principle to each other was POWERFUL. I moderated a missionary group, and one of them testified: "I know that because of Jesus Christ's resurrection three days after His crucifixion, I too will be resurrected with a perfect, Heavenly body! I am SO excited! I actually have dyslexia, and I cannot wait for the day that I will be able to read well, and I know it is because of Jesus that I will be able to do that! Isn't that amazing?!" Jesus Christ conquered both PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL death so that we too may be free from those bondages. That elder is so right, the Lord is amazing!

Happy Monday, everyone! Also, happy birthday to my little bro 🎉

Sister Saylor

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