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Sister Saylor - 5/22/2023

Huntington Beach Stake


You may be wondering "Sister Strong, why are you shop vacuuming the carpet / moping the entire women's bathroom that is connected to the baptismal font?" or "Sister Saylor, why is your hair wet?" Needless to say, covenants were made. We will no longer be charged with the responsibility of filling the baptismal font for future services - I can now say I went swimming on my mission, though.

During the baptismal service for our favorite ten year olds, Sister Strong and I were given the opportunity to share the message of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. One of my favorite parts of being a missionary for Jesus is being able to testify boldly that I know Christ is real, God loves you, God speaks to us today through His prophet, the Heavens are open, and the Bible + the Book of Mormon are the words of God. This life is wild, but those truths will never waiver. I LOVE THE LORD!

Have a wonderful week!

Sister Saylor :))

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