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Sister Saylor - 4/10/2023

Huntington Beach Stake

Happy Easter!

Honestly, the best Easter of my little life! Never have I ever focused more on Jesus during this time. After General Conference (worldwide broadcast by Christ's ordained prophet and apostles!) last week, I had committed myself to treating this holy week like it deserves. I cannot tell you how many Conference messages I studied from past years in preparation for yesterday's celebration - Christ is risen!

Here are two of my favorite addresses from last weekend:

Peacemakers Needed

Greatest Easter Story Ever Told

I know that Jesus Christ lives! I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father! I know these things because I talk to them everyday, I read their words everyday, I feel the change they have ignited in me everyday! Even better, I know that you can know this too :) Feel free to ask questions.

Two of our little friends decided that they want to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ and always remember Him through making covenants with God! My favorite nine year olds will be baptized next month! Get ready to party 🎉

Also! Shout out to all of the Evansville Zone district leaders for putting up with our epic 9 legged race lesson. We serve around the best of the Lord's missionaries!

Sister Saylor

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