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Sister Saylor - 3/13/2023

Huntington Beach Stake

HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY, MOM! Everyone go send a big happy birthday text to Lori tomorrow 🥳

Two exchanges this week! I had the privilege of spending the day in Shelbyville, KY with Hermana Richards! I want to be her when I grow up, her Christlike joy is contagious! The next day, we spent our time here in Crestwood with Sister Crotts! She really cheered me on as I crushed it in volleyball. How blessed am I to be able to spend my days learning from women who have chosen Christ over EVERYTHING else for 18 months?! They are teaching me sacrifice, endurance, diligence, and how to love as Christ loves us! I am a huge fan of Jesus and his missionaries.

Over the last 11.5 months of my life in the mission field, I truly and deeply have fallen in love with the words of God. He is love, He is faithfulness, He is a promise keeper, He is way too overly forgiving when I make some not so great choices, He is compassion, He is my dad! Reading the Bible and the Book of Mormon have only grown that testimony of mine by a million. Hallelujah that we have scriptures to remind us daily of His goodness, mercy, and righteousness! 🤗

Sister Saylor

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