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Sister Saylor - 2/27/2023

Huntington Beach Stake

Today marks two years of baptism for me! My "re-birthday," if you will. Two years ago, I showedGod that I am willing to take upon myself the name of Jesus Christ, stand as a witness of Him at all times and in all place, mourn with those who mourn, and keep His commandments to my fullest capability. I think my favorite part of making this very special covenant (sacred promise) with Heavenly Father is that He does not revoke His love when I do not keep my side of the covenant as well as I could or should. I get to ask Him to forgive me and help me do better next time, and He literally will! Because His Son, Jesus Christ, carries my burdens with / for me, I get to repent (change) often! There is no greater gift than that.

Thank you to everyone who sent me THE SWEETEST messages, letters, and gifts for my birthday yesterday! My heart is BURSTING ♥️

I know that it is because of Jesus Christ that I get to experience a fullness of joy in this life, holy moly! I LOVE FEELING LOVE, especially His! :)

Sister Saylor

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