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Sister Roberts - Week 3

Huntington Beach

Another week gone by!! The MTC is going well :)

On Halloween me and my comp switched name tags and we had a lesson in Relief Society where we had to lead a discussion, and after it was over a girl came over and thanked Sister Roberts (my comp) for her thoughts. We decided not to tell her and just hope we never see her again with our real name tags on. The only sign of Halloween I saw was an elder dressed as Harry Potter, but in a suit instead of robes.

Tuesday night we had a devotional, and Sister Jean B. Bingham came and spoke to us. She's the General Relief Society President, and she's amazing! Me and my companion got to talk to her after, and she just radiated warmth and love. It was pretty amazing. She asked us about ourselves and gave us hugs and basically told us we were going to be good missionaries and I think I could have just cried and talked to her all day. I didn't want to leave her presence! But she's amazing and you can totally feel her love for everyone.

All the days kind of blur together here, so I can't exactly tell you what happened on what day, but I do know that yesterday we got to help host the new missionaries entering the MTC! It was so cute and fun! It was also a little sad, because as cars pulled up we were assigned to helping them with luggage so I just had to walk up, take their luggage and basically say, "Okay... time to say goodbye let's go!" And then they'd be crying and their families are sobbing and I have to keep the energy up and start asking them about their missions and where they are from. Talk about the most awkward and worst interaction ever. But I've seen some of them around the cafeteria and they all seem to be in better spirits, so hopefully they're feeling better now.

My district and I have been playing volleyball every night together which is so fun except that sometimes it's just us, and other times the gym is packed and we don't get court time... we're figuring out the most strategic times to go though. It's fun because I'm not terrible at volleyball, so I think the elders were impressed and surprised.

Today is our last p day in Provo! I'm so excited! (Side note-- once I get into the field I have a feeling my p day will switch so next week's email may come a little later than expected.) I have definitely seen myself grow as a missionary, and have been really focusing on teaching PEOPLE not LESSONS. It's been fun getting to know so many people in different walks of life already, and being able to share with them the greatest message of love and hope is the coolest thing ever!

Love you all :)

Sister Roberts

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