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Sister Roberts - Week 1

Huntington Beach

Hey all! I'll try to keep these weekly emails short yet entertaining enough to keep you coming back each week :) But man!! Only four days have gone by and it's gone so fast, but it also feels like it's been four weeks!!!

I love my companion! Her name is Sister Doane. She's from Bountiful, Utah and is the cutest ever. Our personalities are pretty identical, which makes it easy to get along, and we're pretty much always on the same page which I LOVE! My district is great too! Me and Sister Doane are the only ones going to San Antonio though, everyone else is assigned all throughout the United States. We're from all over! We have one sister from American Samoa (hopefully she'll be able to leave the country and meet us at Provo!) and the rest spread out in the U.S. I'm seriously so excited to meet them all in person. We all get along really well over the screen, so I can't imagine what it'll be like once we actually get to hang out as a district.

I love being a missionary! Getting the chance to wake up every day and just love people and serve them 24/7 is the coolest thing ever. Right now it's mostly learning HOW we can serve and share the message of Christ, but once I get out to Texas... game on! I feel like I'm being blessed more and more each day with charity. I already love the people in San Antonio and I haven't met them yet! Same with my district, and my companion. I've been able to feel so much more love while in the MTC, not only for those people, but I'm feeling my Heavenly Father's love for me too! He's totally on my side, helpling me through each and every day, and I know He's there for all of us too whenever we need Him!

Please reach out if you ever have questions or just want to say hi!!

Much much love,

Sister Roberts (AH don't you just love the way that sounds)


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