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Sister Roberts - May 23, 2022

Huntington Beach

So once again it seems I didn't have people on this list ahaha welcome to the weekly, thanks for joining us :)

Okay here's my highlight reel for the week!!

1. God is so good. All the time.

Okay that's it for this week! Thanks for tuning in :)

Love y'all

Sister Roberts

Okay not actually but for real though!! God is SO good!

2. Bishop invited us to mutual!!!!!!!!!! Which he uninvited missionaries in February which was so sad to come into the area to, especially after coming from areas that basically said BE WITH THE YOUTH ALL OF THE TIME!!!!! so now we can't go to mutual. BUT HE INVITED US THIS WEEK!!!!! MILAGROS!!!!

3. There was supposed to be a cRaZy LiGhTnInG aNd HaIl StOrM but we got maybe like 6 minutes of sprinkles and that was it. Texans are so funny they were all freaking out here and forbidding us to drive.

4. Our friend Peggy gave us free overalls

5. We did service for some people who own parrots, a dog, racing pigeons, show doves, a koi pond with over 250+ fish, and over 300 chickens, turkeys, roosters and geese. Quite a loud property.

6. We also visited a woman who owns 60+ cats.

7. We are teaching SUCH elect people! We have our friend Davis on date (pray that we can move it up so he can go to the temple with the ward on the 4th) and our friend Nicholas has been taught all of the principles and told us Saturday that he is 100% committed to our gospel. He is living with his fiancee though so we're just waiting for a wedding date!!!!!

8. Elder Jose Alonso of the Seventy visited our mission! He's awesome. He talked about sacrifice vs. consecration and also about how Jesus Christ is at the center of everything. He mentioned we don't bear our testimony on anything but Jesus Christ. Don't say you are bearing testimony of the Book of Mormon. Bear your testimony of Jesus Christ, and use your understanding of the Book of Mormon to show what you learned. Bear your testimony of Jesus Christ and how you came to understand it through service, or learning about Joseph Smith, or prayer, etc. JESUS CHRIST IS THE CENTER AND CORNERSTONE OF EVERYTHING!!!!!

God is good. All the time.

Love y'all

Sister Roberts

Peggy's overalls


Me n kitty

Classic signs x2

Me and some big trees plus the Kerrville sign

We had dinner at a Thai restaurant on the river


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