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Sister Johnson - 11/20/2023

Huntington Beach Stake


I seriously cannot remember what happened at the beginning off this week!

We had transfers Friday! Sister Wayne moved up north and is now companions with one of my previous companions sister Yellow Hawk-Backes! I am so excited for them. I am the lucky duck that got to stay in West Charlotte and my new companion is sister Jackman. She is the sweetest person I have ever met and laughs at everything so I am feeling hilarious all the time and we are constantly laughing! Those are the best kind of people. She reminds me so much of one of my roommates from school! A few other tender mercies are that Elder Willis and Sister Little are still around too! Elder Cox is now serving in the branch as Elder Willis's companion, which is super fun because I have served with him before. Basically I have a really good feeling about this next transfer! I am ready to work!

One super cool couple we met this week was Angel and Jason. Angel made a request for missionaries to come and pray with her and when we got there she let us right in and she and her husband just gobbled up everything we were saying. We gave them a book of mormon and they are so excited to read it and for us to come back!

Juanita's baptism was on Saturday! It was so special and we even had some people from the branch come! She said after that she felt completely different! It was so beautiful. Elder Sackuvich and sister wayne were both able to come too which was so fun!

We had our branch Thanksgiving dinner and laughed and talked for a long time! It was so fun and I am so grateful to still serve here!

I have more than ever recently discovered the importance of this work. As I have taught people truely who christ is, I can literally see the change occurring in them. It is visible! Elder Holland said once, "After an encounter with the living Son of the living God, nothing is ever again to be as it was before." This is truth! As I have watched my friends encounter christ for the first time or in a new light they change. That is the most simple way that I can put it. I think if there is one thing I would say that Christ brings into every story he touches is hope. Is tomorrow scary? Yes. Do I know how this will all play out? No. Is that stressful sometimes? Yes. But, when I turn myself to the savior all that is replaced with faith and an excitement for the future. I know that my Savior lives and because of that I know that there is something to hope in and for. The simple fact of the matter is that this work saves souls. When you experience this change in your life you are no longer lost. Christ gathers scattered minds and calms troubled hearts. For this reason, this verse spoke to me this week. "I have spoken these few words unto you all, my sons, in the last days of my probation; and I have chosen the good part, according to the words of the prophet. And I have none other object save it be the everlasting welfare of your souls." This work is Christ's only priority and I am doing everything I can to make it mine too. The world is so full of distractions but I promise there are ways to be involved in the work of the everlasting welfare of souls. So hop up and start, there is much much much to do!

I love you all so much!

This week Christmas Trees in windows made me happy!

Happy Holidays!!!

Sister Johnson

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