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Sister Johnson - 1/8/2024

Huntington Beach Stake


Well it has been quite the week of changes! Some bitter sweet news is that I got transfered. I was so sad to leave sister Jackman, I have absolutely loved laughing through the last 7 weeks with her. West Charlotte has completely changed me and my heart will be there forever. I love that little branch so much. I am so grateful for the few months I was fortunate to serve there and the people I have served around.

I am now in Summerfield NC where I cover two wards! Lake Brandt and Pleasant ridge! I am also in a trio with Sister Gregson (the tallest sister in the mission) and sister Stewart. They are amazing and we are already growing so much together! 

Right off the bat we find 2 new people we are teaching and I am trying to get to know everyone I the wards. Which is a lot. Let me say there is a big difference between west Charlotte and Summerfield. This is definitely a nicer area, but..... we get fed tons! I am so excited for that after not being fed very much for the last year:) so bubbles and sunshine from here;) 

I'm not gonna keep this long today because I am exhausted after almost 6 hours of church. With all our meetings between the two wards I had a pounding headache, but it was so fun to be so busy. 

The update is just that I am trying to figure out the area right now, but I am super hyped to be here and there is so so much potential here. 

I wanted to share a scripture president shared with me a few weeks ago. I thought towards the end of my mission I would experience the adversary trying to get me to be lazy but instead I have experienced a lot of lies from him about the kind of missionary I am and the mission I have served thus far. President shared this with me. D&C 18: 10-11. "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God; For, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him." He taught me that the worth of something is determined by what someone is willing to pay for it. In this instance the worth of our souls to God is the price of His perfect and only begotten son. His own son. That is how much you mean to Him. Jesus Christ suffered for everything so that we wouldn't have to stay the way we are. That is what Satan doesn't want you or anyone else to understand. You are worth it to him because you are his and because of who you can become. So keep living as a testimony of who Jesus Christ is. I love you all!

This week learning to tie a tie made me happy!

Sister Johnson

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