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Remember to straighten your crown-Liberty J.

Mile Square Park

Updated: May 29, 2022

“If we look at ourselves only through mortal eyes, we may not see ourselves as good enough. But our Heavenly Father sees us as His sons and daughters are beings of eternal light with everlasting potential and with a divine destiny.”President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said this in the October 2015 general conference. In mortal eyes, we tend to look at what we’ve accomplished, and when we don’t have accomplishments or don’t succeed we have feelings that we can’t do anything and that we’re worthless. At a swim meet this past Friday I found one of my friends over on the side crying. Now, as swimmers we compare ourselves quite a lot to everyone, even people on our own team. We feel we’re not as good as them. Or when new swimmers try a new event and beat the time we have, we feel worthless or that we have no spot on the team or stroke that we can do well. I had told this girl, “it wasn’t her and she didn’t need to worry about the other girl's time. All she kept saying was that she felt worthless and that her spot would be taken by the girl and her coach would move her down a team. A few of us all tried to tell her that she’s worked so hard to achieve where she is and to not give up, that she can keep pushing and eventually beat her if she puts her mind to it. Sometimes I do the same thing. I feel that I’ve worked so hard on my sports or in school and when what I want falls through I personally do tend to feel worthless and almost want to give up on it all. I think of surfing when this happens. Sometimes it’s really hard to get out there. Keep in mind my boards 9’6” or sometimes I have a 7 foot long board and when the big sets come in it’s intense to get back out there. But I never give up when it comes to surfing. I always continue to push back out there. The feeling of just one wave is all I need to keep going. Knowing that our Heavenly Father will love us no matter what we’ve accomplished should be our motivation to keep on going and not give up on what we’ve been working towards. D&C 132:20 “Then shall they be gods because they have no end; therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting because they continue; then shall they be above all because all things are subject unto them. Then shall they be gods because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto them.” We have the ability to become like God. We follow and keep the commandments we can have all power, being spirit sons and daughters of heavenly parents. D&C 18:10 reads “Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.” That shows that our worth can’t be measured with an earthly scale. Feeling God’s love should help boost our sense of self worth. When I was reading about self worth I came across this girl named Madeleine from New York and she said, “Every day, I pray to Heavenly Father and ask Him to help me see myself the way He sees me. Then I listen closely as the Spirit gives me positive messages from God about my worth and identity, and I say these words to myself in the mirror. This simple activity is a way we can connect with heaven and learn that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us and believe in us.” I think that in times when we feel worthless that we should pray and ask our Heavenly Father what He thinks of us and to remember of His deep love for each and everyone. Some ways we can see our true worth is to strive for righteousness. Being righteous brings us closer to God and helps us be like Him. Though we make mistakes from time to time we can rely on the Atonement of our Savior and be forgiven. Serving others helps us become like God also. It can help us to feel better knowing that we are helping others and putting their needs before ours. Bringing us closer to our divine potential. Rejoice in the success of others, instead of jealousy or being upset. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and comparing shouldn’t measure anyone’s self worth. Be happy for others, we personally get to see a little of how God rejoices with us. Remembering who you are. I have this sign in my room that says “on the darkest days when I feel inadequate, unloved and unworthy I remember whose daughter I am and straighten my crown.” I always look back on this when times are tough and remember I’m a daughter of God and that I need to straighten my crown. Lastly, acknowledging the little things you do every day. Keeping a complete or done list and crossing it off can help us daily to feel worthy and that we’re accomplished things. Even the small and simple things we can rejoice in. We should all try to reach our potential to become more like our Heavenly Father. The more we try the more we’ll see our eternal worth. I’d like to share my testimony that I know the church of Jesus Christ is real and that we have a true living prophet on the earth with us. I know that we are all sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father and that we can all become like Him. And I know each and everyone of us has an eternal potential. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

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