3 Nephi 12:24 "Love your enemies..."

19191 17th Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
Leadership Presiding: Bishop Ritchie Blake
Conducting: Andrew Richardson
Organist: Terri Wilson
Chorister: Joanne Wettengel
Opening Hymn
Opening Prayer
by Invitation
Sacrament Hymn
Administration of the Sacrament
Renewal of Baptismal Covenants
Youth Speaker
Charlotte Dahl
Sepi Holaleituai
Special Musical Number
Ward Choir
Awen Parmley
Closing Hymn
Closing Prayer
By Invitation
YOUTH - BYD - Sunday, February 16th - 4pm
YOUTH - Temple Baptisms - February 20th; meet at 3:15pm for 4pm session
Community Discussion class - Thursday, February 20th - 6 - 7pm @ Stake Ctr
Discussion on avoiding the many scams that come our way daily. For all ages, but especially helpful for the elderly; leader SSA Patrick Baldree
Stake Primary Leadership Training - Sunday, February 23rd - 3pm @ Stake Center
YOUTH - Covenant Path Class - Sunday, February 23rd @ 4pm @17th Street Bldg
Stake Women’s Conference - Saturday, March 1st - 4:00 - 7:00pm @ Stake Center
Stake Elite Singles (50+) Potluck - Monday, March 10th - 6:30pm @ FV Building
Bring a Potluck dish to share and wear some green to our March Event.
We will be playing Bingo and other fun games.
YOUTH - Temple Baptisms - March 14th; meet at 4:15pm for 5pm session
YOUTH - Ward Winter Youth Conference - March 21-22
ONE BY ONE - An Easter Celebration - Sunday, March 30th - 4pm or 6pm @ Stake Center
YOUTH - Temple Baptisms - April 25th; meet at 4:15pm for 5pm session
Stake Community Service Day - Saturday morning, April 26th
Community Picnic afterwards at Huntington Beach Bandstand.
Please send suggestions for community service projects to Jynenej@gmail.com.
BYU-Idaho Education Fireside - Thursday, May 8th 7-8pm @ Stake Center
Invited - Youth ages 14-18, their parents, youth leaders, and young single adults
YOUTH - YW High Adventure (Seniors only) - May 30-31
YOUTH - Aaronic Priesthood Camp (APC) - June 18-21; Ages 11+ and leaders.
YOUTH - FSY SUMMER 2025 - For all youth turning 14 in 2025 and up
YOUTH - Girls Camp - July 14-17th; Ages 11+ and leaders.
Missionaries from our ward that are currently serving:
Bobby Johnson - Peru, Piura
J.C. Craig - Washington, Kennewick
Emily Huffmire - Washington, Seattle
Noah Baldree - Chile, La Serena
Jackson Shintaku - Argentina, Buenos Aires West
Bryce Blake - Mexico, Veracruz
James Petersen - Manchester, England
Diane Garriott - Service Mission
Temple Recommend Interviews - Sundays from 2:30-3:30, except on Fast Sundays
Come, Follow Me Classes:
Tuesday mornings at 9am with Bruce Richardson
Zoom Meeting - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86521324956?pwd=bbbVPQh8diYDBF1jyVWLJK7D8F3TcF.1
Meeting ID: 865 2132 4956 Passcode: Liahona
Wednesday 10-11am @ Golden West Institute (115761 Goldenwest St) all adults
Thursday evenings at 7pm with Kevin Monson https://zoom.us/j/99030933832?
Zoom Meeting ID: 990 3093 3832 Zoom Meeting Passcode: Liahona
Join us on our social media channels.
Instagram HB Stake: https://www.instagram.com/churchofjesuschrist_hb/@churchofjesuschrist_hb
Instagram Youth:
Stake website: https://www.churchofjesuschristhb.org/