9:00 AM
8702 Atlanta Ave., Huntington Beach, CA 92646
Bishop Joe Rasmussen
Quin Dowell, First Counselor
Dustin Morrison, Second Counselor
Assigned Missionaries
Elder Thomas Warenski and Elder Marcus McCord
Invite them to dinner >>HERE<<
Conducting: Dustin Morrison
Organist: James Jones
Music Leader: Eric Gustafson
Opening Hymn: #9 - Come, Rejoice
Opening Prayer by Invitation
Church Announcements
Sacrament Hymn: #169 s Now We Take the Sacrament
Administration of the Sacrament
Speaker: Bishop Rasmussen
Special Musical Number: The Master’s Voice by the Ward Choir with Rhett Rasmussen, accompanist
Speaker: President Richardson
Closing Hymn: #103 - Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer
Closing Prayer by Invitation
Second Hour: Quorems (EQ, RS, YM & YW)
Visit & share our Ward Website >>HERE<<
Year-end financial statements will be available after January 30th.
Here is a list of the Missionaries from our ward that are currently serving in the mission field:
Aiden Douglas - Chile Santiago South
Peyton Metcalfe - Idaho Idaho Falls
Brandon Moffett - Missouri St. Louis
Craig & Lana Ward - London, England
Adam Lassig - Henderson, Nevada
Benjamin Allison - Wichita, Kansas
Leaving soon:
Ainsley Sorensen to Kaohsiung Taiwan.
For more Stake info with more detail click >>HERE<<
Stake Temple Recommend Interviews—Members of the stake presidency hold temple recommend interviews on Sundays from 2:30 to 3:30, except on Fast Sundays or special holidays.
Teaching kids about finances: January 30th in the Relief Society Room at the Stake Center.
Stake Women’s Conference: Saturday, March 1st - 4:00 - 7:00pm @ Stake Center
For all sisters ages 17 and up
A wonderful evening of music and the spoken word with delicious food and unifying sisterhood.
"Come, Follow Me"
Tuesday 9 AM with Brother Richardson: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/98615168135?pwd=WERXZi9Pdk5salRNb09QTFY2eUpjZz09.
Wednesday mornings 10-11 am @ Golden West Institute. For adults of all ages. 115761 Goldenwest Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Thursday 7 PM Thursday 7 PM with Brother Monson: https://zoom.us/j/99030933832?