9:00 AM
8702 Atlanta Ave., Huntington Beach, CA 92646
Bishop Joseph Rasmussen
First Counselor Quin Dowell
Second Counselor Dustin Morrison
Assigned Missionaries
Elder Thomas Warenski and Elder Clayton Robinson
Conducting: Quin Dowel
Organist: James Jones
Music Leader: Evan Moffett
Opening Hymn: #111 Rock of Ages
Opening Prayer by Invitation
Ward Business
Sacrament Hymn: #175 O God, the Eternal Father
Administration of the Sacrament
The Sharing of Testimonies
Closing Hymn: #277 As I Search the Holy Scriptures
Closing Prayer by Invitation
Second Hour: Gospel Doctrine
Time change next Sunday. Spring ahead. Early church will be even earlier this week.
Thanks to Sister Carlson and her team for keeping the "New Hymn Book" up-to-date.
Your Official Tax Summary Statement can be viewed by selecting the Donor Statements menu option in Online Donations and selecting the link provided in the Generated Statements section.
Here is a list of the Missionaries from our ward who are currently serving in the mission field:
Aiden Douglas - Chile Santiago South
Peyton Metcalfe - Idaho Idaho Falls
Brandon Moffett - Missouri St. Louis
Craig & Lana Ward - London, England
Adam Lassig - Henderson, Nevada
Benjamin Allison - Wichita, Kansas
Ainsley Sorensen - Kaohsiung Taiwan
For more Stake info with more detail, click >>HERE<<
Stake Temple Recommend Interviews—Members of the stake presidency hold temple recommend interviews on Sundays from 2:30 to 3:30, except on Fast Sundays or special holidays.
Stake Women’s Conference: Saturday, March 1st - 4:00 - 7:00pm @ Stake Center
For all sisters ages 17 and up
It will be a wonderful evening of music and the spoken word with delicious food and unifying sisterhood.
Stake Conference:
Adult Session: Saturday, March 15, 6:00-8:00 pm
General Session: Sunday, March 16, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Worldwide General Relief Society Broadcast - Sunday, March 16th - 6pm at the Stake Center
All sisters and Young Women turning 18 in 2025
A brief testimony meeting will follow.
Stake Primary Activity and Service Project - Thursday, March 20th
Help donate Easter Baskets to children and others through Olive Crest.
If you feel that you can donate, please click on the link below to an Amazon gift registry that will list all of the items needed to fill these baskets.
If you would rather donate a gift card that will be placed in a basket, we need (20) $10 to $20 Target gift cards. These can be given to one of the Stake Primary Presidencies.
ONE BY ONE - An Easter Celebration - Sunday, March 30th - 4pm or 6pm @ Stake Center
Music, art, and the spoken word surrounding Jesus Christ's last week and His triumphal rise from death on Easter morning.
Please make plans to attend and bring your friends to experience the joy of our Savior's life and the peace of the Easter message.
Participants will take a piece of the Savior with them as they learn to follow His life, last week, and resurrection throughout the Easter month at home.
Community Service Day: Saturday morning, April 26th
Community Picnic afterward at Huntington Beach Bandstand. Each ward will be invited to support specific projects. All will be posted on Justserve.org. Please send suggestions for community service projects to Jynenej@gmail.com.
Aaronic Priesthood Camp (APC): June 18-21. Ages 11+ and leaders. More info coming soon...
"Come, Follow Me"
Tuesday 9 AM with Brother Richardson: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/98615168135?pwd=WERXZi9Pdk5salRNb09QTFY2eUpjZz09.
Wednesday mornings 10-11 am @ Golden West Institute. For adults of all ages. 115761 Goldenwest Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Thursday 7 PM Thursday 7 PM with Brother Monson: https://zoom.us/j/99030933832?