Time and Location:
9:00 am, 17500 Bushard Street, Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Presiding: Bishop Greg Wells
Conducting: President Mal Richardson
Organist: Julie Matthews
Chorister: Brent Yeates
Opening Hymn: #252 – “Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel”
Invocation: By Invitation
Sacrament Hymn: #177 – “Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love”
Administration of the Sacrament
Speaker: Bishop Greg Wells
Musical Number: “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” performed by Kyle Naumann
Accompanied by Alex Van Boerum
Speaker: President Mal Richardson
Closing Hymn: #14 – “Sweet Is the Peace the Gospel Brings”
Benediction: By Invitation
Assigned Missionaries:
Sister Clarke and Sister Go
Missionaries Serving:
Elder Evan Bagley (evan.bagley@missionary.org) – Mexico Puebla South Mission
Elder Zachary Barlow (zakary.barlow@missionary.org) – Tahiti Papeet Mission
Elder Joshua Matthews (joshua.matthews@missionary.org) – Vanuatu Port Vila Mission
Elder Kai Orgill (kai.orgill@missionary.org) – Peru Arequipa Mission
Elder Sean Zukle (sean.zukle@missionary.org) – Philippines Cavite Mission