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Elder Ziebarth - 12/27/2023

Huntington Beach Stake

Feliz late navidad!! I hope everyone had an awesome christmas!! We have been super busy with Christmas but its good to be past it. Its been good recently just supppperrrrr hot. This place is like an oven and appearantly its not even hot yet. My companion is having a good time too. This last week his "greenie energy" died so it was honestly pretty funny to see. I like to think of the mission as a small child waking up from a nap. The child wakes up and for like 15 seconds he sits up looks around with a straight face he looks fine, then just starts screaming for 5-20 minutes, then listo he is ready to go happy and hungry for more. But we have been seeing miracles. We just were able to baptize fransheska and now we are working with the family. They are awesome and also kinda hard to avoid because we are neighbors.

Love you all!!

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