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Elder Ziebarth - 12/12/2022

Writer's picture: Nancy Corraine WaldronNancy Corraine Waldron

Dang bruh not again haha. Im kidding but i do feel like im doing this a lot. I do these emails more than i journal. So much happens in a week but it feels like 1 long day you do the same thing every day. Well it turns out i might only do 6 weeks of training. Because they need trainers and they want me to be done early. So we have been grinding hardcore on everything. My spanish is coming in good. Im almost at 3 weeks and i can pretty much always understand whats being talked about and participate in conversations. Its crazy to see the progression. Last night i visited the first family we saw when i got here. And day one i understood nothing and last night i was having a conversation with them. Super crazy. Chile is rad. Now that i can somewhat communicate im starting to get to know the members. Its so fun. They all come to church in jeans and jackets and church always starts 45 minutes late. One of my favorite members right now is daniel who we call danielito. He is 10 years old and he is a straight homie. He is a chubby gangster chilean hijo. Nobody in his family are members besides his mom who is inactive but he always makes them go. This week we were giving a lesson to his grandma and he was yelling at her telling her she needs to get baptized and married because she is living in sin. It was soo funny. He also had his birthday this week and he invited us to come and preach to his friends and family haha. Daniel is the homie….The mission has been fun though especially when you live in a house of 4. I dont think ive laughed this much in my life. Everything is so much funnier i think here because we are only entertained by reading preach my gospel and listening to youth music. I dont having a clue whats going on in the outside world besides who's winning the world cup. Because thats the only thing people care about here. Im so happy im here and able to preach and serve. Its so hard but so rewarding seeing the smiles and the change. I love this place with all my heart and i love you all. Go read the scriptures 

1 nephi 19:9 

And the world, because of their iniquity, shall judge him to be a thing of naught; wherefore they scourge him, and he suffereth it; and they smite him, and he suffereth it. Yea, they spit upon him, and he suffereth it, because of his loving kindness and his long-suffering towards the children of men.

Yo se que Jesucristo sufrió por nuestros pecados para que nosotros pudiéramos tener vida eterna y paz y gozo. Dios nos ha dado a su hijo unigénito porque el nos ama. Si nosotros seguimos el, las bendiciones que nosotros podemos tener, serán grandes. Te invito a orar con dios y preguntarle si esta evangelio es verdadero. Os amo.

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