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Elder Shintaku - Week 10

Huntington Beach

This is my last email as a missionary in training!!!! I've officially been here for 3 months and its been pretty awesome. They say being in training is the hardest part about being on a mission, but honestly its been pretty easy. I've enjoyed my time in my area and have grown so much these past few months and I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for me next. I know I haven't written an email in a while, but I really need to be better at taking pictures because I haven't really taken many.

Some things that have been small miracles from the Lord this past few weeks were that we have gotten to know almost everyone in our pueblo(town). We are constantly trying to serve everyone in town and they're always so happy to see us walking around and visiting people. We've gotten so many new friends that want to hear about the gospel and better their lives.

A few crazy and interesting things were that we have a friend his name is Joel, he lives on top of a mountain, about an hour walk from our house. So we went to his house and it started to rain. And the rain here is like crazy, my umbrella was flying all over the place. Luckily we made it there safe and the rain stopped while we were teaching him. Right as we ended the lesson it began to dump rain again. But these people in a van picked us up and gave us a ride back to town.

Also, my trainer is getting transferred, I'm sad to see Elder Davis leave, but I'm also happy to have new experiences, with a new companion.

I am so happy to be doing the Lord's work in this marvelous time and being able to learn and grow each day. Also we have a member cooking for us now. She's the Relief Society President and she makes such amazing food.

But one thing I want to share is this, Estoy muy agradecido por misión, yo aprendí mucho todos los dias. Una escritura que me gusta mucho es Doctrina y Convenios 21:6 For by doing these things the agates of hell shall not prevail against you; yea, and the Lord God will disperse the powers of bdarkness from before you, and cause the heavens to cshake for your dgood, and his name’s eglory.

Yo se que Jesucristo vive, el murió para cada uno de nosotros. Es a través de él podemos regresar a nuestro padre celestial. Sé que el evangelio de Jesucristo bendice a todas las personas. Estoy agradecido por cada momento en mi misión.


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