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Elder Orgill - 2/20/2023

Writer: Nancy Corraine WaldronNancy Corraine Waldron

Che boludo. Hey guys! How's everybody been? This week despite a ton of difficulties we were able to have two baptisms, our friends Marileida and Diana!! We were actually going to have three baptisms but Paola had some problems in the interview and decided that she didn't want to get baptized anymore. Maybe some day.... 

I have realized that the closer people get to baptism, the harder Satan works to make them fall and give up. It's tough :(

The baptisms went great though, we had a ton of ward members come!! When Marileida and Diana gave their testimonies after their baptisms I was so happy I wanted to cry! But I didn't.  We are working with a few other people that are getting pretty close, pray for them!


      We finally visited a few members this week, they have been helping out a lot in the work! We also had a family home evening with some recent converts and the Cruz family and all made empanadas together! It's cool when you can see recent converts strengthening their testimonies and making friends with the members. That helps us know that when we leave, they will stick around!


     A problem that we have been having recently is that a lot of people have told us that they want to get baptized, but are living in union libre(not married). When Elder Becerra of the Area came and gave us a training he said a lot of interesting stuff. One thing was that the word "free union" is a lie from Satan, and that true freedom is something we can achieve by getting married in the temple and making covenants with God! It really impacted me and helped me understand the importance of the family.


Random facts: 

-The other Elders are now in a trio with a new Argentinian missionary named Elder Estevan. He talks funny and has been teaching us bad words from his country  

-Ate tacos for the first time in a LONG time with some members. Colombians are ninnies and don't eat anything spicy 

- A mom made us come over and scold her teenage son for his video game addiction 

-I have just a little over 4 months left in the mission, I'll be back fishing on the pier before you know it  

Thank you for reading my email, dios le bendiga

-Elder Orgill 

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