It's been a nice week here, lots of lessons and storms. We also got a lot of things cleaned up in both our areabook, our house, and our plan for Joash.
Joash is still on track to be baptized, but just to be safe and fully good we pushed back his date one week. There were a lot of factors, but while it's devastating it is what is so we got to roll with it. Whicker is learning that principle, of rolling with it and looking ahead. It's hard at first, but it gets easier.
He's doing really well and he'll be ready to be baptized thus 18th!
Some other cool peeps are Katherine and Ema, both live in Rosslyn. We've been visiting and teaching them over the weeks. One is getting past a big family thing, but there should be good news amd we can really teach her this week.
In the church we actually got a cool chance to watch an episode of 'The Chosen' cause of a special thing they do once a month. They get all decked out with items that relate to the episode and it was really cool. We had our friend Reo come and he loved it. Reo also finally stayed for second hour of church, and it was a cool lesson that talked about Damascus, cause he's from Damascus, so it all worked out.
After the episode we stayed cause we heard about a secret place that missionaries would sign in the church building to mark that they've been here. It was heartfelt signing my name next to all the others that I've served with.
Then we also had a cool pass off lesson with the YSA at a nice stake Volleyball activity. Jeez did our friend have the most existential questions about life and faith. It really surprised me that someone that young has been having these thoughts. I'm glad we passed him off cause he went to church. Yay!
Some really cool things have been happening, and I'm just moving with it all. Im now thinking of ways to stay dry while riding a bike, cause some invention could be made I'm sure. I'm also trying to overpower this huge Ethiopian meal that a member made for us, it's putting up a fight that's for sure. Have a good week everyone!