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Elder Balzer - 7/17/2023

Huntington Beach Stake

That's a line from Pres Crankshaw on our mission zoom last night. It's was so funny. We were talking about our missions baptism goal and how we are going to hit 70 this month and how incredible that is; so we talked more about baptism and the services for them. While doing that he mentioned how sometimes when those who are smaller in stature are baptizing those larger in stature, they're going to have a harder time, a whale of a time, haha. 

I could understand that partially, cause Saturday night I stepped into the waters of baptism for our friend Grashia Hibbert. It's been a crazy three weeks with her and the baptismal service fully represented it. Our coordinated plan with some other Elders fell through, leaving the font dry as a bone. So we entered get crap done mode(my favorite) and ran down there. We had it going full blast, stuck a hose in there and started up the bucket brigade with some members and the Ft Belvoir Sisters. We got that suckered filled in record time, it impressed everyone there. That's a testimony builder right there, I know the spirit was making that water come out faster. This church is true 🥹 (thats a joke we have with the Rush's about Grashia, cause anything gives her a testimony, haha). It would've been sweet to put a little river water in there too. 

Still the service was amazing and everything worked out perfectly. We brought our new friend George and he wants to be baptized(he even knows a member named Patrick cause they came from the same village in Ghana, now he only wants to come to our service, which he loved on Sunday.)

Fort Belvoir also put their friend on date to be baptized as well. The whole night was magical. ✨️ 😍 

For the confirmation she just barely made it in time as well. Brother Burkart was holding the longest and, till she walked in. I can finally stop sweating and rest, for just a little bit though. I finished one fight, but there's always another and I couldn't be happier for it. Life would be boring without a mountain to climb. 

I've put this area to work for the past 6 months and I'm glad to leave it at such a high note. To have been apart of two great journeys, Grace and Grashia. I really, truly, feel that amazing grace and I'm grateful for all that I've learned and and gained while here in Mt Vernon. 

I say that cause I feel I'm going to go to my last area this Friday, with the news coming to us this Wednesday night. I hope to have the same affect in my next place, then to keep it going when I'm home. The work is never truly over till.its over and there is always something new to learn or gain. I'm so glad I got to come back here again, after my training; it has such a different feeling and I wouldn't trade it for anything. 

Honestly that was the biggest thing to write about, so now it's just little fun details left. 

A hurricane 🌀 of a storm rolled in a few days ago with thunder and lightning all around us. 

The Huntley Elders have now fully become my kids, cause they don't have bikes anymore. Someone tried to steal them and ended up busting them with a hammer. Absolutely ruined, so now they need a rude everywhere. No complaints, I love them. We even go over every night to work out. I gotta get big before I get back. 

George was originally from Oakton, but he got stranded in the Square, so Wheeler called us up and set us after him. Sharks with blood in the water. 

We also went tracting with little Luis for a little bit and it was a lot of fun being with the little guy, on the hunt. 

Thats about it, take care, and I may be emailing from another place. 

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