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Blessings of the Sabbath, Brother Rossi B., March 19th, 2023


Good morning brothers and sisters, my name is Rossi Bergener. My family moved into this ward about a bit longer than a year and a half ago. I've been asked to talk on “How I strive to keep the sabbath day holy”.

In Matthew 11-12; Luke 11 it talks about how the Pharisees and scribes had made worshiping Jesus Christ burdensome. They enforced strict rules not only on themselves but on other people. The rules about the sabbath day, which was meant to be a day of rest. When Jesus Christ Himself came among His people. He taught them that the true purpose of religion is not to create burdens but to relieve them. Jesus Christ taught that God gives us commandments including to honor the sabbath day, not to stress us but to bless us. There's this scripture that I had to memorize in seminary

Matthew 11:28-30 it reads “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”.

It's saying that through Jesus Christ we can find rest unto our souls and put faith in him and we shall be blessed, and he will take our burdens upon him and relieve them from us.

Over about a half a year my spirit and revelation has grown more than in my whole life since I've gone to seminary. I've been so blessed learning about Jesus Christ, God, and the Holy Ghost. Going to seminary has encouraged me to not only just read the scriptures but to really ponder them and find out for myself what they actually mean. My seminary teacher brother Baltzer and brother Gorup have been the most amazing teachers ever and so kind in bringing food to the lesson and preparing lessons for us. Before I didn't really try to keep the sabbath day holy. Before I did not really want to go to church but now, I strive to keep the sabbath day holy because I know that if I do , Jesus Christ will bless me with all his blessings.

The sabbath day is a day of rest because when God created the earth he worked for six whole days making all the details of animals, trees, ocean, land, and people. On the seventh day it was done and he rested. That's why Sunday is a day of rest, it doesn't mean to sleep all day but to learn from him and take a rest from the outside world.

That's how I strive to keep the sabbath day holy. I’d like to bare my testimony that I know the church is true and president Russel M Nelson is the true and living prophet and that if you keep the sabbath day holy Jesus Christ will bless you. In the name of Jesus Christ amen.

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