Time and Location: 9:00 AM
8702 Atlanta Ave, Huntington Beach, CA 92626
Presiding: Bishop Brett Greathouse
Conducting: Brother Carl Wilker
Organist: Brother Jim Crandall
Chorister: Sister Marin Bradshaw
Opening Hymn #66 Rejoice the Lord is King
Invocation: By Invitation
Ward Business: Brother Carl Wilker
Sacrament Hymn #172 In Humility Our Savior
Administration of the Sacrament
Youth Speaker: Brother Rossi Bergener
Youth Speaker: Sister Jocelyn Thomas
Speaker: Sister Briana Bergener
Intermediate Hymn #193 I Stand All Amazed
Speaker: Brother Jesse Quesada
Closing Hymn #221 Dear to the Heart of the Shepard
Benediction: By Invitation